#100DaysOfFoodBlogging, Reviews

Feed Your Eyes: ‘Chef’s Table’ on Netflix

[This is post #030 towards #100DaysOfFoodBlogging, our goal to do 100 posts in 100 days as part of The 100 Day Project.]

Now that most of your favorite network shows are wrapping up (some of them FOREVER), you’ll have a ton of television viewing time to spare over the next few months. Before you go insane and reach decision paralysis when deciding what to watch next, I ask you to look no further than your Netflix account.

In what has accurately been called the “the anti-cooking show,” Chef’s Table is more than worthy of consuming your new found spare time.

Brought to life by Jiro Dreams of Sushi director, David Gelb, the first season spans six episodes, each telling the story of a different world class chef. And although these aren’t necessarily household names or celebrity chefs as defined by current culture, their impact on food and even the world likely reaches further than a line of cookware and 10 seasons on Food Network ever could.

You get to know the chefs intimately and they truly are the stars of the show, each uniquely their own character, while also sharing a similar passion.

But that’s not to say that the food isn’t beautiful, because it is. You can easily mistake the series for an art documentary. In a good way.

Most culinary shows are filled with so much gluttonous food porn, you end up feeling like you need a cold shower to cleanse yourself of the residual butter, sugar, and bacon fat. Chef’s Table, however, is much more satisfying, as you’re left with an emotional connection to each chef.

Or as Gelb put it best in this Grubstreet interview: “Emotional food porn!”
